Saturday, March 31, 2007

who needs coffee when you live in the village

When I showed up to work on Wednesday I was immediately told that there was a snake in the pit toilet out back. There is a strange fascination with snakes here and it usually involves a crowd and a beating of the creature. At that moment, I didn't give it much thought but eventually and inevitably, Susan (my colleague) and I found ourselves back there trying to see it. Supposedly it was in the water tank but all we could see was a white spec that we weren't convinced was actually a snake. Regardless we decided that we should skip using the toilets for the day. .

The next morning I was a few minutes late but when I walked up to the office everyone was standing around outside. I finally realized they were all staring at a 3 foot long snake (probably poisonous if not, the kind that would definitely have bitten you) that was hanging from the tree. It was wriggling a little bit but had blood dripping out of its mouth. They had found the snake and clubbed him to death. Lucky for us, we could safely use the toilets again.
Friday morning I was running really late. I didn't get up till 7:30, the time I should have been leaving to get to the office on time. Oh well, I got ready and headed out in the rain to the main road. I am usually good about greeting people but this morning I encountered a very large group of men which was a little intimidating because they were all staring at me. Please understand, the stares are uncomfortable and usually if I am my overly cheery self, the men take that as a sign that they can be overly friendly and usually some kind of proposal ensues, most of them not so enticing. So I muttered a hello and shifted my umbrella so I wouldn't have to endure their gawking.

At the main road, I waited in the rain for a few minutes and finally a ride came and I made it to Enable village. I hopped out of the car and started down the dirt road, passed a few Gogo's and kids and greeted them all. I saw another group of men, this time only 3 but they were staring as well. So I started to distance myself by walking closer to the tree they were standing opposite of and was about 10 seconds from greeting them when I realized something was a miss. I was looking down as I passed them and noticed a river of red liquid under the tree. My eyes quickly traced the source of what turned out to be blood and stumbled when the whole picture registered in my head. The men standing there weren't just chatting to each other; one of them was wearing a white coat and must have been a local butcher. What caught me off guard was the massive dead cow, which I nearly collided with, hanging by its hind legs from the tree. You think I would have immediately noticed a huge carcass dripping blood but the cow was brown and the tree trunk brown and how was I supposed to know that this particular corner of the street, which I walk by at least twice a week, is where the poor cows come to their end. I quickly greeted the men and kept on my merry way. But I couldn't help and stop a few feet away and turn to stare at the strange picture. Finally a truck drove up and the men got to work loading the meat.

These are some of the things that kick start my mornings. Thought I would share the events of my week. It's a good thing that I'm not a vegetarian. Sorry for those who are…

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